Monday, January 30, 2006

Chile Gets First Woman President: Are We Next?

Congratulations to centre-left candidate Michelle Bachelet, who has become Chile's first woman president, taking at least 53.5% of the poll.

According to the BBC, it has been noted that she is somewhat of an unusual choice for the conservative country, because "not only is she a woman, but she calls herself a socialist and she is a single parent with a 12-year-old daughter and two other grown children." (She's also a doctor!)


Michelle Bachelet - elected Chile's first woman leader, 2006
Janet Jagan - elected Guyana's leader in 1997 after the death of her husband, the previous president
Lidia Gueiler Tejada - served as interim president of Bolivia following a coup, 1979-80
Isabel Martinez de Peron - sworn in as interim president of Argentina in 1974 when husband Juan Peron fell ill and died; kept power until 1976
Rosalia Arteaga - briefly acted as president of Ecuador in 1997

1 comment:

Sombra Morena said...

Leave it to you to bring in Central America, my area. . .Thanks!